Friday, March 16, 2007

Is Buying Prescription Dugs Online a Dangerous Game?

The internet has grown tremendously in the last 5-10 years with approximately 56 million web pages and

counting. The sale of prescription drugs online is growing rapidly.

Although most on line pharmacies adhere to regulations, There are a few who do not, and are putting our

citizens health at risk.

Prescription drug sales online can provide great benefits to the consumers. Benefits include, 24 hour

shopping from the comfort of your home,access to drugs for the homebound or disabled persons, privacy for

those who don't want to talk in private about their medical condition, and the number of products available.But

you must understand the potential risks and stay away from illegitimate sites.

So what are the risks in ordering drugs from these sites?

* Risk of suffering adverse events which could be life threatening which include potential side effects from a

medication inadequately prescribed by an unlicensed pharmacy. * A risk from receiving contaminated

drugs,as well as the possible ill effects of impure or unknown ingredients found in drugs manufactured under

substandard conditions * Risk when unknowingly purchasing counterfeit copies that contain bad or

contaminated ingredients or outdated legitimate drugs that get into the hands of illegitimate resellers.

Ok, so how do you find an online pharmacy who follow FDA and State regulations? The following are a few

items to help you search the web.

* Stay away from spam that arrives in your bulk e-mail. Most of them are just trying to sell the type of drugs

discussed above.

* Only order from a state licensed pharmacy that prescribes FDA approved pharmaceuticals.

* Make sure the pharmacy has a toll free phone number so you can contact them for consultations or if you

have a question concerning your medication.

* Only purchase your meds from a licensed pharmacy that employs only licensed physicans and


Presently the FDA,Department of Justice,and State agencies are cracking down on this illegal sites that

promote outdated,contaminated,or unapproved drugs from other countries.This is a vast undertaking due to

the size of the internet and the number of illegal sites. This will be an ongoing job for a long time.But you as

educated consumers can help by not purchasing drugs from this sites and reporting illegal sites to the

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