Monday, March 17, 2008

Creature Comforts of Online Pharmacies

Society hasn't shifted its weight to the internet when it comes to prescriptions; not yet, at least. But for the bold and adventurous types, it has become apparent that the Internet provides a much easier means of communication when one needs to come into contact with a physician. But what exact benefits do the Internet users get over the office visits?

FedEx For Your Prescriptions

How easy would it be to simply have the drugs you need delivered to your door? It sure beats waiting in line at the pharmacy! The beauty of the Internet and global shipping combine into one service- meaning that anyone around the world can get drugs delivered to them without so much as leaving home.

Of course there are certain fees related to this extra service. But for some, this service is the only way prescription drugs can be obtained. Patients with disabilities or even patients who don't own a vehicle will find it extremely hard to get to the pharmacy. In this case, the Internet has solved a crippling situation for some- and saved others the time and effort required to obtain a prescription.

Online Confidentiality

Not everyone has a bullet proof confidence level. Going to the doctor for something such as impotency can be very embarrassing. To bypass this possibly embarrassing situation, Internet users have been taking advantage of their resources to get them out of awkward situations.

Coupled with the FedEx information listed above, these two creature comforts will even allow one to avoid confrontation at the pharmacy. The best part is the fact that the package the medicine arrives in doesn't give a clear indication as to what is inside- meaning that anyone with a sub par self esteem can obtain medication like the rest of society.

Reduced Costs

Internet users also enjoy a reduced cost over medication and physician fees. Most organizations have to charge inflated fees to pay for building costs, lighting, electricity, water, employee staffing, and many other services that aren't related to a customer getting a prescription. The Internet allows companies to offer their services with a very high cut in running costs.

To keep business prospering, these Internet pharmacies cut prices from the reduced running costs they experience. So in the end, the patient who obtains a prescription over the internet will generally pay less than an office visit.

Since there are indeed cut prices, consumers can afford other services with the saved money. Overnight FedEx delivery, for instance, may be able to be paid for quite easily with the savings from service and prescription fees. And of course the added benefit of saving on public transit or gas costs that would be required for office visits is a nice touch.

Final Thoughts on Benefits of Online Pharmacies

Online Pharmacies are starting to become the next big thing in prescription drugs. With a few simple emails or a telephone call, a patient can come into contact with a physician over the Internet much faster than a scheduled doctor visit. Reduced costs, confidentiality benefits, and the fact that drugs can be delivered to one's door make the Internet pharmacy a force to be reckoned with.

In the end, there is nothing to lose with obtaining a prescription online- but a lot to gain. Be sure to check with a reputable online pharmacy approved by the FDA before buying online, however.


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